Our Sustainable Promise
At Cardiff Hearing, we believe sustainability is the way forward. As part of our commitment to sustainability and becoming a green practice, we work with eco-friendly companies as well as offering battery recycling initiatives.

Making Hearing Sustainable
We aim to have a practice that is as eco friendly as possible in all the choices we make, and if it is not possible to be earth loving, we ensure that we are responsible in our waste disposal. When it comes to hearing aids, no matter your hearing loss or ear shape, we try to make clinically sound and environmentally safe choices, such as selecting, where appropriate, rechargeable hearing aids and hearing aid manufacturers with the highest green credentials.
Having rechargeable hearing aids is much more sustainable than normal hearing aids. The battery in rechargeable hearing aids can last over 5 years if you take care of your device. Other hearing aids can require a battery change every 5-12 days. So, by using rechargeable hearing aids, you could be saving up to 73 batteries per year!
Lend Us Your Ears!
We have worked hard to become a sustainable company and are as eco-friendly as possible. Some of the ways we do this are:
- We have a renewable electricity supplier.
- All recyclable waste is recycled properly.
- All clinical waste is disposed of properly.
- Where appropriate, we turn to eco-friendly hearing aid partners, such as Widex. They use their own wind turbine and solar power to make their hearing aids and return the excess power to their local town, isn’t that brilliant?! They also have a reliable rechargeable selection of hearing aids.
- However, as more brands make eco-friendly choices, this widens our offerings. Of course, if you need something that isn’t as sustainable, we’re happy to provide you with that brand and encourage you to recycle your batteries.
- Our eco-friendly sound absorption is made by Woolly Shepherd, an award-winning sustainable company based in Somerset. Thanks to them, you could hear a pin drop in our clinic!
- We use as much biodegradable PPE as possible and continue to source eco-friendly alternatives.
- We are paperless and only print letters or provide leaflets if absolutely necessary.
- We accept hearing aid batteries from clients to be recycled. But did you know you can always recycle them at your nearest supermarket?
- We even have an eco-friendly kettle for staff cuppas! Milk and two sugars, if you’re making!
- We take in your old hearing aids and give them a new life! We pop them in a bag to charity, where they’re refurbished and made all shiny and new, to be fitted to those who need them across the globe.
- We are always on the lookout to seek ways to be as planet loving as possible in our clinical practice, got any ideas? We’d love to hear them!